Week 8: The God Who Loves His People
While Moses was on the mountain, the Israelites made and then worshipped the golden calf. Just before Moses ascended the mountain, the people had declared whole-heartedly that all God said they would do. How quickly they forgot their promise! Nevertheless, as Moses goes back up the mountain to receive the commandments of the Lord once again, the Lord speaks of his hesed—the Hebrew word for steadfast love.
Graciously, the Lord continues to reveal that steadfast love. When Moses requests to see God’s glory, the Lord reveals aspects of his glory: his grace and mercy, that he is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.
In experiencing this love of the Lord, Moses is transformed just as the nation of Israel will be changed by following the commands of the Lord. The Lord’s steadfast love not only transforms his people but also differentiates his people.