The Book of Exodus is one of the greatest love stories ever told. God is revealed as Yahweh, the Great “I AM.” He is the transcendent, all-powerful creator of all things who defeated the greatest powers of the earth. This same God would have his people know and love him in an intimate and personal way.
Come explore the grand story of God as the one who knows and loves his people. In learning the self-revelation of God, we discover our identity and the abundant life he has for us. God knows the suffering and struggles of his people. The Lord would not only redeem and deliver them but also lead them with his personal presence into becoming his kingdom of priests.
Ultimately, the Exodus story will become our own story as the Great “I Am” visits his people in the person of Jesus Christ who, through his cross and resurrection, brings us through a New Exodus from the spiritual forces of evil, sin, and death.