Week 2: The God Who Redeems His People
Through the story of the Exodus, we learn new revelations about the nature of God. This week, we will see God revealed as the great redeemer.
The language of redemption comes from the marketplace, particularly the slave market. The Israelites were under the bondage of a cruel slave master who did not want to give up his captives. Their release would be costly.
In the case of the Egyptians, the price would be the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt. For the Israelites, God would redeem them with the blood of the Passover lamb. The angel of death “passed over” the nation of Egypt. Whoever had spread the blood of a sacrificed lamb would receive their freedom, be released from bondage, and be adopted as God’s son.
The costly redemption of the Israelites anticipated a greater Passover sacrifice in the costly sacrifice of Jesus’ death on a cross. Our liberation from the slavery and bondage of sin would come at a great cost. Jesus’ life was given as an atoning sacrifice to purchase our lives and adopt us as his children.