Jesus Longs to Heal His People

“And he looked around to see who had done it. But the woman, knowing what had happened to her came in fear and trembling, and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. And he said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.’” - Mark 5:33-34
For twelve longs years, this woman had endured relentless physical suffering and isolation. Having tried every available cure and treatment, she was out of money and options. Then, Jesus came to town. Suddenly everyone was talking about this special man – his penetrating words, his healing and miraculous works, his unprecedented ability to drive out demons. Could this be the promised one for whom they had been waiting, the one who would establish the kingdom of God and restore his people?
The afflicted woman had several questions of her own. How could she get to Jesus? She was unclean and was forbidden to join the clamoring crowd. If she did get through undetected, could Jesus actually heal her? And, if he could, would he? After all, she was just a sick, destitute woman, an outcast. It seemed like a longshot, and yet, everyone and everything else had already failed her. She had reached the end of herself and decided to pursue her only hope: Jesus.
That courageous pursuit resulted in her immediate healing. The bleeding stopped as soon as she touched Jesus’ robe. At that moment, she felt her body being healed. What could be better than instant physical restoration after such a prolonged illness? With a fresh spring in her step, she started toward home with new dreams and plans for her life. Then, she heard Jesus ask, “Who touched my garments?” (Mark 5:30). Every instinct told her to flee, to escape into the masses, but she knew she had to confess. She had broken the law and contaminated many others with her presence. In fact, she had even made Jesus unclean by touching his robe. Fully expecting judgement and admonishment, she fell before Jesus and told the truth.
Then came the greatest healing of all. Rather than condemning her, Jesus commended her faith. Her touch did not make him unclean; his touch made her clean. She had never experienced such love and compassion! When he looked into her eyes, she knew that she was seen, known, and loved. She had not only received physical healing but a deep spiritual healing as well. Jesus had saved her from her pain, isolation, and even her sin in breaking the law. His words, “Go in peace,” spoke to her spiritual well-being. She was restored because of her faith in Jesus.
What a glorious day for this woman! A brief but powerful interaction with Jesus had changed her life forever. I can picture her sharing the good news with everyone who would listen on her way home. If you are taking the time to read this devotion, you must have had your own glorious day – the day that Jesus saved you from your sin, your shame, your guilt, and eternal damnation for your soul. Are you still living in that glorious reality and the peace that Jesus offers? Or have the trials and obstacles of this world dragged you back down? If so, Jesus invites you to lay all of your brokenness and pain at his feet. Ask him to nurture your hope and faith, so that you too can experience the physical and spiritual healing that only Jesus can provide.
How do you approach Jesus when you need hope, healing, or direction? How might he want to deepen your faith today?
For twelve longs years, this woman had endured relentless physical suffering and isolation. Having tried every available cure and treatment, she was out of money and options. Then, Jesus came to town. Suddenly everyone was talking about this special man – his penetrating words, his healing and miraculous works, his unprecedented ability to drive out demons. Could this be the promised one for whom they had been waiting, the one who would establish the kingdom of God and restore his people?
The afflicted woman had several questions of her own. How could she get to Jesus? She was unclean and was forbidden to join the clamoring crowd. If she did get through undetected, could Jesus actually heal her? And, if he could, would he? After all, she was just a sick, destitute woman, an outcast. It seemed like a longshot, and yet, everyone and everything else had already failed her. She had reached the end of herself and decided to pursue her only hope: Jesus.
That courageous pursuit resulted in her immediate healing. The bleeding stopped as soon as she touched Jesus’ robe. At that moment, she felt her body being healed. What could be better than instant physical restoration after such a prolonged illness? With a fresh spring in her step, she started toward home with new dreams and plans for her life. Then, she heard Jesus ask, “Who touched my garments?” (Mark 5:30). Every instinct told her to flee, to escape into the masses, but she knew she had to confess. She had broken the law and contaminated many others with her presence. In fact, she had even made Jesus unclean by touching his robe. Fully expecting judgement and admonishment, she fell before Jesus and told the truth.
Then came the greatest healing of all. Rather than condemning her, Jesus commended her faith. Her touch did not make him unclean; his touch made her clean. She had never experienced such love and compassion! When he looked into her eyes, she knew that she was seen, known, and loved. She had not only received physical healing but a deep spiritual healing as well. Jesus had saved her from her pain, isolation, and even her sin in breaking the law. His words, “Go in peace,” spoke to her spiritual well-being. She was restored because of her faith in Jesus.
What a glorious day for this woman! A brief but powerful interaction with Jesus had changed her life forever. I can picture her sharing the good news with everyone who would listen on her way home. If you are taking the time to read this devotion, you must have had your own glorious day – the day that Jesus saved you from your sin, your shame, your guilt, and eternal damnation for your soul. Are you still living in that glorious reality and the peace that Jesus offers? Or have the trials and obstacles of this world dragged you back down? If so, Jesus invites you to lay all of your brokenness and pain at his feet. Ask him to nurture your hope and faith, so that you too can experience the physical and spiritual healing that only Jesus can provide.
How do you approach Jesus when you need hope, healing, or direction? How might he want to deepen your faith today?
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