The Presence of Jesus in the Storms of Our Lives

“And a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’” - Mark 5:37-38
Because we know the whole redemptive story of Jesus’ life, we often focus exclusively on his divinity. Today, Mark’s account reminds us that he was also fully human. Even Jesus became exhausted. We have read about his grueling schedule and the multitudes of people that just couldn’t get enough of him. As the disciples guided the boat across the Sea of Galilee, Jesus fell into a deep, restorative sleep. He did not hear the men talking or feel the boat swaying. He didn’t hear the wind begin to howl or feel the waves that crashed over the sides of the boat. Despite the chaos around him, Jesus was at peace; he was at rest.
The disciples, on the other hand, did not feel at all peaceful and they definitely weren’t resting. They were panicked! As the boat filled with water and threatened to sink, they must have marveled that anyone could sleep through such a ferocious storm. Of course, it wasn’t just anyone slumbering in the stern, it was the Son of God. The disciples were so focused on the danger and so overwhelmed by terror that they forgot Jesus was the sovereign and omnipotent Lord. We have all heard the saying, “You can have fear or you can have faith.” In this instance, the disciples chose fear. These men had spent more time with Jesus than anyone else outside his family. They had seen all the miracles, heard all the teachings, and even received private instruction from Jesus. And still, they doubted his awesome power and perfect love for them.
Let’s apply this story to our lives today. Have you ever doubted that Jesus cared for you in the midst of difficult circumstances? Maybe he didn’t heal your loved one the way you knew he could; maybe he didn’t provide the finances you needed to pay off that debt; or maybe your life just hasn’t turned out as you expected. Jesus understands. He welcomes your questions and your doubts. Bring your authentic self before him in lamentation and prayer, then refocus your heart and mind on who he is and what he has said. Jesus has promised never to leave you (Hebrews 13:5). His love is steadfast; there is nothing that can separate you from that love (Romans 8:39). He has promised that he will work all things for good (Romans 8:28). Jesus stands ready to help you in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16). The Lord is trustworthy and true, even when the storms of our lives are raging.
How might you have missed Jesus during the storms in your life? What does he want you to know about his presence and love for you today?
Because we know the whole redemptive story of Jesus’ life, we often focus exclusively on his divinity. Today, Mark’s account reminds us that he was also fully human. Even Jesus became exhausted. We have read about his grueling schedule and the multitudes of people that just couldn’t get enough of him. As the disciples guided the boat across the Sea of Galilee, Jesus fell into a deep, restorative sleep. He did not hear the men talking or feel the boat swaying. He didn’t hear the wind begin to howl or feel the waves that crashed over the sides of the boat. Despite the chaos around him, Jesus was at peace; he was at rest.
The disciples, on the other hand, did not feel at all peaceful and they definitely weren’t resting. They were panicked! As the boat filled with water and threatened to sink, they must have marveled that anyone could sleep through such a ferocious storm. Of course, it wasn’t just anyone slumbering in the stern, it was the Son of God. The disciples were so focused on the danger and so overwhelmed by terror that they forgot Jesus was the sovereign and omnipotent Lord. We have all heard the saying, “You can have fear or you can have faith.” In this instance, the disciples chose fear. These men had spent more time with Jesus than anyone else outside his family. They had seen all the miracles, heard all the teachings, and even received private instruction from Jesus. And still, they doubted his awesome power and perfect love for them.
Let’s apply this story to our lives today. Have you ever doubted that Jesus cared for you in the midst of difficult circumstances? Maybe he didn’t heal your loved one the way you knew he could; maybe he didn’t provide the finances you needed to pay off that debt; or maybe your life just hasn’t turned out as you expected. Jesus understands. He welcomes your questions and your doubts. Bring your authentic self before him in lamentation and prayer, then refocus your heart and mind on who he is and what he has said. Jesus has promised never to leave you (Hebrews 13:5). His love is steadfast; there is nothing that can separate you from that love (Romans 8:39). He has promised that he will work all things for good (Romans 8:28). Jesus stands ready to help you in your time of need (Hebrews 4:16). The Lord is trustworthy and true, even when the storms of our lives are raging.
How might you have missed Jesus during the storms in your life? What does he want you to know about his presence and love for you today?
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