The Steadfast Love of the Lord

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me. The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.” – Psalm 138:7-8
Through our twenty-five years of ministry in the church, I have attended many, many weddings. One of the most commonly used Scripture passages in the wedding ceremony is 1 Corinthians 13. If a couple chooses this passage, my husband will often challenge them to replace their name for the word love. Needless to say, there is often some good laughter shared by the couple and those who know them well. However, Charlie then tells them to replace love with the name of Jesus. It fits every time: Love never fails; Jesus never fails.
King David, the author of Psalm 138, sings of this love that never fails. David had come to know the goodness of the Lord, the deliverance of the Lord, and the faithfulness of the Lord. Though David had walked through much trouble, he knew the Lord was with him and sustained him. Despite all his worldly success, David knew that it was the faithfulness of his God that made him great. In writing this psalm, King David called all of God’s people to know and trust in the care of God, to know with full assurance that God’s love for his people never fails. With that assurance and trust, King David was empowered for his work as king of Israel.
The Lord called and anointed David to be the king of Israel. In doing so, the Lord poured out his Spirit upon David to empower him for this role. As God’s new covenant children, we are also called and anointed to serve the Lord. Thankfully, we also received the Holy Spirit to equip and empower us for all his purposes in our lives. If we are going to thrive in our purposes and callings, we must look to the care and sustenance of the Lord. We must believe that his love will never fail us. We, too, will experience many sufferings and hardships in this world, but God will not forsake us in the good times or the bad times. Earthly marriage was intended by God to serve as a reflection of divine love and commitment. The man and the woman are to love one another, to stay with one another, to support and encourage one another – until death do us part.
In our broken world, marriage vows are broken. People abandon us, betray us, and disappoint us. God never will! The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. In trouble, the Lord will be there. In the times when everyone else has left, he will be there. In our times of failure and success, God will be there. It is in those times that God comforts us, heals us, and takes us into his plans and purposes for us.
Are you living in the steadfast love of the Lord? Do you have the assurance and trust of King David that God will never forsake you but will remain committed to you and his purposes for you?
Through our twenty-five years of ministry in the church, I have attended many, many weddings. One of the most commonly used Scripture passages in the wedding ceremony is 1 Corinthians 13. If a couple chooses this passage, my husband will often challenge them to replace their name for the word love. Needless to say, there is often some good laughter shared by the couple and those who know them well. However, Charlie then tells them to replace love with the name of Jesus. It fits every time: Love never fails; Jesus never fails.
King David, the author of Psalm 138, sings of this love that never fails. David had come to know the goodness of the Lord, the deliverance of the Lord, and the faithfulness of the Lord. Though David had walked through much trouble, he knew the Lord was with him and sustained him. Despite all his worldly success, David knew that it was the faithfulness of his God that made him great. In writing this psalm, King David called all of God’s people to know and trust in the care of God, to know with full assurance that God’s love for his people never fails. With that assurance and trust, King David was empowered for his work as king of Israel.
The Lord called and anointed David to be the king of Israel. In doing so, the Lord poured out his Spirit upon David to empower him for this role. As God’s new covenant children, we are also called and anointed to serve the Lord. Thankfully, we also received the Holy Spirit to equip and empower us for all his purposes in our lives. If we are going to thrive in our purposes and callings, we must look to the care and sustenance of the Lord. We must believe that his love will never fail us. We, too, will experience many sufferings and hardships in this world, but God will not forsake us in the good times or the bad times. Earthly marriage was intended by God to serve as a reflection of divine love and commitment. The man and the woman are to love one another, to stay with one another, to support and encourage one another – until death do us part.
In our broken world, marriage vows are broken. People abandon us, betray us, and disappoint us. God never will! The steadfast love of the Lord endures forever. In trouble, the Lord will be there. In the times when everyone else has left, he will be there. In our times of failure and success, God will be there. It is in those times that God comforts us, heals us, and takes us into his plans and purposes for us.
Are you living in the steadfast love of the Lord? Do you have the assurance and trust of King David that God will never forsake you but will remain committed to you and his purposes for you?
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