That You May Believe

“Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” - John 20:30-31
After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, the Apostle John had one goal in life. That goal was to make Jesus known. John didn’t just want people to know who Jesus was but to put their faith in Jesus so that they could receive the gift of salvation and eternal life with the Father. Every word written in the Gospel of John was there so that you could know with certainty that Jesus was and is the Son of God. Jesus became a man so that he could reveal the heart of God for his people. He healed those who were sick and suffered infirmities; he taught the Scriptures to the people day after day; and he preached in the synagogues. Jesus came that we may know him and through knowing him, we could know his Father in heaven.
As one who lived with Jesus for about three years, John could have recorded many more things about their time together. Surely, his memory was flooded with the words of Jesus and the miracles he beheld. John wrote his Gospel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In doing so, John entrusted the Lord to make himself known through John’s writings. He offered himself unto the Lord as an instrument. John wrote this Gospel, three letters, and the book of Revelation. What an instrument John was in building the Church!
Do you recognize the Holy Scriptures as God’s invitation to you to know him, believe him, and come into an eternal relationship with him through his Son? Do you regard the words of Scripture as inspired words directed by the Holy Spirit? Do you allow the Scriptures to search you, to challenge you, and to transform you into a disciple for Jesus Christ?
While we do not get to see, touch, and hear Jesus as John did, we do get to see the big salvation story. We are still invited to be part of that salvation story. May we take some time through this Easter season to marvel at what has been done on our behalf. And may we not just marvel but may we also believe. As God used the Apostle John to build his church, so he wants to use you today.
How do you respond to this call to believe in the Son?
After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, the Apostle John had one goal in life. That goal was to make Jesus known. John didn’t just want people to know who Jesus was but to put their faith in Jesus so that they could receive the gift of salvation and eternal life with the Father. Every word written in the Gospel of John was there so that you could know with certainty that Jesus was and is the Son of God. Jesus became a man so that he could reveal the heart of God for his people. He healed those who were sick and suffered infirmities; he taught the Scriptures to the people day after day; and he preached in the synagogues. Jesus came that we may know him and through knowing him, we could know his Father in heaven.
As one who lived with Jesus for about three years, John could have recorded many more things about their time together. Surely, his memory was flooded with the words of Jesus and the miracles he beheld. John wrote his Gospel under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In doing so, John entrusted the Lord to make himself known through John’s writings. He offered himself unto the Lord as an instrument. John wrote this Gospel, three letters, and the book of Revelation. What an instrument John was in building the Church!
Do you recognize the Holy Scriptures as God’s invitation to you to know him, believe him, and come into an eternal relationship with him through his Son? Do you regard the words of Scripture as inspired words directed by the Holy Spirit? Do you allow the Scriptures to search you, to challenge you, and to transform you into a disciple for Jesus Christ?
While we do not get to see, touch, and hear Jesus as John did, we do get to see the big salvation story. We are still invited to be part of that salvation story. May we take some time through this Easter season to marvel at what has been done on our behalf. And may we not just marvel but may we also believe. As God used the Apostle John to build his church, so he wants to use you today.
How do you respond to this call to believe in the Son?
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