Go and Tell

“Jesus said to her, ‘Do not cling to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brothers and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”’ Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord’—and that he had said these things to her.” - John 20:17-18
Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Lord. What an honor and privilege! Grief and devotion kept Mary at the tomb seeking her Lord while the men returned to their homes. The fact that all four Gospel writers include this revelation to a woman testifies of the validity of Jesus’ resurrection. Women were not deemed worthy to testify in court. That Jesus was first revealed to Mary and that Mary was entrusted with the testimony to share with the disciples is incredible! Women were and are entrusted with the proclamation of the Gospel message. Jesus included women in his ministry; he trusted them and valued them just as he did the men. If you hear someone say that Christianity is about keeping women oppressed, don’t hesitate to talk about this experience of Mary.
Mary saw the risen Lord. In seeing him, she clung to him. This would certainly be the natural response to being united with one whom you love, especially one who died and then was back standing in your presence. Jesus trusted Mary with his revelation and then with the testimony to the brothers: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (v. 17). While Jesus was in a resurrected body at that time, he would not remain with them in that form; thus, he instructed Mary not to cling to him. Instead, Jesus would return to the heavenly realms and all the glory he had forfeited to come and live as a man.
Mary was first entrusted with the message that Jesus had risen from the dead. He was alive and would be among them for just a short time. She saw the Lord so that she could testify to this truth. You, too, have been entrusted with this incredible message – Jesus was crucified, was buried, and has been raised to life. Through his death and resurrection, there is life for all of mankind. All men and all women are invited to come and behold the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection.
“I have seen the Lord!”
Are you beholding this miracle and then are you telling others about it?
Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Lord. What an honor and privilege! Grief and devotion kept Mary at the tomb seeking her Lord while the men returned to their homes. The fact that all four Gospel writers include this revelation to a woman testifies of the validity of Jesus’ resurrection. Women were not deemed worthy to testify in court. That Jesus was first revealed to Mary and that Mary was entrusted with the testimony to share with the disciples is incredible! Women were and are entrusted with the proclamation of the Gospel message. Jesus included women in his ministry; he trusted them and valued them just as he did the men. If you hear someone say that Christianity is about keeping women oppressed, don’t hesitate to talk about this experience of Mary.
Mary saw the risen Lord. In seeing him, she clung to him. This would certainly be the natural response to being united with one whom you love, especially one who died and then was back standing in your presence. Jesus trusted Mary with his revelation and then with the testimony to the brothers: “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (v. 17). While Jesus was in a resurrected body at that time, he would not remain with them in that form; thus, he instructed Mary not to cling to him. Instead, Jesus would return to the heavenly realms and all the glory he had forfeited to come and live as a man.
Mary was first entrusted with the message that Jesus had risen from the dead. He was alive and would be among them for just a short time. She saw the Lord so that she could testify to this truth. You, too, have been entrusted with this incredible message – Jesus was crucified, was buried, and has been raised to life. Through his death and resurrection, there is life for all of mankind. All men and all women are invited to come and behold the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection.
“I have seen the Lord!”
Are you beholding this miracle and then are you telling others about it?
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