The Everlasting God

“The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth.” - Isaiah 40:28
What a beautiful hope this verse gives us, and how it ties perfectly into all pages of Scripture. Metaphorically speaking, the “ends of the earth” could be considered Genesis 1 and Revelation 22. These are the bookends of the Bible, serving as the beginning and end.
In the beginning, we can see the intentionality behind creation, the formation of man after God’s likeness, as well as the fall and curse. However, what lies beyond the curse is the first promise of the Gospel. In Genesis 3:15, there is a promised seed who will trample sin once and for all. This mention of Jesus provides hope that transfers all the way over until the end of the Bible and beyond. God’s promises are eternal; he is the everlasting God.
These promises may be shown as fulfilled in Revelation 22, as it portrays an image of the new Jerusalem— the restored and upgraded Garden of Eden where God dwells intimately with his beloved creation. The amazing truth behind these promises is that they display their authority through the way they hold up over time, from Genesis to Revelation.
As a believer, it is encouraging to see that God keeps his covenants in the Bible and is always faithful to do what he says. However, the word “everlasting” in this verse seems to provide a deeper form of comfort for the believer. His promises are eternal, just like the grace we have received and the finality of our salvation once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. God will keep the covenants that he has made until the end of time. Our Holy God never goes back on his word, and he loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).
How do these words comfort you today?
What a beautiful hope this verse gives us, and how it ties perfectly into all pages of Scripture. Metaphorically speaking, the “ends of the earth” could be considered Genesis 1 and Revelation 22. These are the bookends of the Bible, serving as the beginning and end.
In the beginning, we can see the intentionality behind creation, the formation of man after God’s likeness, as well as the fall and curse. However, what lies beyond the curse is the first promise of the Gospel. In Genesis 3:15, there is a promised seed who will trample sin once and for all. This mention of Jesus provides hope that transfers all the way over until the end of the Bible and beyond. God’s promises are eternal; he is the everlasting God.
These promises may be shown as fulfilled in Revelation 22, as it portrays an image of the new Jerusalem— the restored and upgraded Garden of Eden where God dwells intimately with his beloved creation. The amazing truth behind these promises is that they display their authority through the way they hold up over time, from Genesis to Revelation.
As a believer, it is encouraging to see that God keeps his covenants in the Bible and is always faithful to do what he says. However, the word “everlasting” in this verse seems to provide a deeper form of comfort for the believer. His promises are eternal, just like the grace we have received and the finality of our salvation once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. God will keep the covenants that he has made until the end of time. Our Holy God never goes back on his word, and he loves us with an everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:3).
How do these words comfort you today?
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