The Lord’s Praise Is Forever

“He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. Holy and awesome is his name! The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!” - Psalm 111:9-10

As we come to the end of Psalm 111, the theme of forever continues. God’s righteousness is forever, his works and commandments are forever, and now we see that his praise endures forever.

Heaven can be a scary topic for some people, including some Christians. It’s a strange and hard thing to think about our own mortality and the fragility of human life. Even when we have the assurance of eternal life with Christ, dwelling on the end of what we know and experience can be difficult.

Heaven can also be a very comforting topic. There are some who walk through life with chronic pain or illness or depression and knowing that one day they’ll live eternally without those things is an extremely comforting thought.

What eternity with God looks like is often debated and speculated upon. What will it look like? What will we do? It’s hard to imagine eternity because we live in a limited world of deadlines and endings. While I speculate what heaven will be like, I know that my assumptions and hopes are probably missing the mark, and it will be far greater than anything I’ve ever imagined. But in Psalm 111, there are three things we can cling to with absolute certainty about eternity.

First, God’s righteousness will continue forever. The wonderful, gracious, kind, holy, merciful, just nature of God will continue to be as it always has been. The righteousness he bestowed upon us will also continue forever; it will never end.

Second, God’s works and commandments are forever. The amazing things he has done, including the work of salvation he has provided through Jesus, will continue without end. His legacy will never falter or fail. His actions will be spoken about and remembered forever.

And finally, God’s praise will endure forever. Throughout all eternity, God will continue to be glorified because he is worthy to be praised. He will be praised for his righteousness and his works. He will be praised forever. It’s impossible for his praise to end.

As you’ve meditated on this theme of forever, what anxieties, hopes or questions have come up? How does the idea of God’s praise enduring forever inform or influence the way you worship him today?

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